Kirin Rise Wing Chun University Facebook
Are you a fan of Wing Chun? Or maybe you’re a fan of the Kirin Rise book series. KRWCU FB is the perfect place for people or students who want to know what is Wing Chun. I cover all aspects of the art from the physical, mental, spiritual and I’m here to help you learn about it. The great news is KRWCU FB is now 100% FREE. That’s right, you get total access to this exclusive area and it’s 100% FREE, no gimmicks or strings attached at all. All you have to do is join the group and you can access the entire site immediately.
A beginners level curriculum helping you step by step with the art.
Over 250 exclusive videos and constantly growing. You will not find any other site on the entire internet that provides more information about Wing Chun.
Articles covering physical, mental, and spiritual and training.
An exclusive community designed to help YOU with the art. This includes students from all over the world and me right there to answer your questions.
Live Streaming into actual Classes and seminars.
Join the KRWCU FB Chat and talk to Sifu Ed Cruz directly
And so much more … all for FREE.
Kirin Rise University
If you want even more than what the free Kirin Rise Facebook or YouTube offer then it’s decision time to take things to the next level. All you need to take your Wing Chun to the next level is a click away.
Kirin Rise University offers:
Over 100 exclusive video lessons with the most detailed information about Wing Chun available
New video lessons every week
Articles covering every aspect of Wing Chun
Online instructional correction from Sifu Ed Cruz
A community designed to help you learn the art
Custom video requests
And much, much more!
The decision depends entirely on you. Do you want to be better or not? Because, I’m giving an opportunity that you can’t refuse.
Monthly Subscription - $20 - Immediate access to the Kirin Rise University content along with a PDF copy of Kirin Rise The Cast of Shadows
6 Month Subscription - $75 (Save 38%) - Immediate access to the Kirin Rise University content along with an autographed copy of Kirin Rise The Cast of Shadows
Yearly Subscription - $125 (Best Deal! Save 48%) - Immediate access to the Kirin Rise University content along with autographed copies of Kirin Rise The Cast of Shadows and Kirin Rise The Shadows Unleashed!